As Workers Check-in throughout the day and on occasion declare Panic Emergencies, GPS Breadcrumbs will be dropped and recorded in the SafetyLine Web App. Quickly viewing these in a Users History allows you to see where the Worker was. SafetyLine is also equipped with different ways to view this information to make your job easier and give you more information.
SafetyLine can show you a map of where your Worker has been this shift, the past day, week, or even month. Navigate to the Users profile page and at the top of the page find the section that says "Last Location" and click the underlined time located next to it. In this screen, you will have a map view of every GPS Breadcrumb that was dropped by the User during the time you've specified
Click the underlined text to view your Workers location over a period of time
Use the map view to see where Workers have been over a period of time
While still in the Users profile you can navigate to their History to view more detailed GPS reports for a particular Breadcrumb. By clicking on the flag icon, a large map will be brought up with an icon as to where the GPS Breadcrumb was dropped. If you left-click on the map a second tab will open an instance of Google Maps for an even greater breakdown of where the Worker was for that Breadcrumb.
Click the flag icon to open up the map view
The map view shows the location of the Worker at the time of the Breadcrumb